Blog Entries

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I love my Jesus, and I call my soda "pop"

Well I am almost positive the title of this post got your attention. Good. I would be lying if I was to say that Christ is not an important factor of my life thus impacting this blog. I realize that at this very mention it will turn readers away. I am sorry for your loss.

I would like to think that I have always been creative, if not creative I have always loved seeing others creativity. It seems every where you turn today people are selling home made crafts, and if you are like me you think to yourself "why didn't I think of that?" Well first, they had a need and they found a way to meet it.

To me that is the first step in creativity, having a need and finding a means, other than going out to the store and purchasing something, to meet it.

I love how art and history go hand in hand. Quite often people think of crafts as a children's activity or a way for people in a nursing home to pass the time "arts and Crafts". I have a nostalgic view of crafts, it is a way to bring the past back to life. Art, cooking, or crafts are a way to remember someone that has passed away, and make them a part of your day to day life.

I feel many bloggers and crafters are missing this part. One of the reasons I love Martha Stewart, is because she teaches the whys and whats of where her projects come from, which in turn has inspired me to create my own projects based on my own experiences. This is where my tag line comes in "... a southern girl with a northern attitude." I am blessed to have two very different influences. My husband tells me I cook northern dishes the southern way.

My goal and my hope is inspire you to draw from your own experiences and background to create projects, that mean something to you, whether they be crafts, painting, re purposed furniture, baking, cooking, or even blogging.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, Although I haven't seen you in many years, you have always had a place in my heart even before you were born. It is so wonderful to read your thoughts about life, love, family and crafts. Your opinion of your Mom is spot on. She always impressed me with her ability to do anything I could think of. I always tried to be like her when I was raising my own son Wesley. And now, to see you blossoming so beautifully...well, it warms my heart. Can't wait to see what's next for you. Love, Merredith
