About the Blogger - I love my Jesus, and I call my soda "Pop"

Well I am almost positive the title of this post got your attention. 

First, things first. I would be lying if I was to say that Christ is not an important factor of my life thus impacting this blog. I realize that at this very mention it will turn readers away. I am sorry for your loss.

I would like to think that I have always been creative, if not personally creative I have always loved seeing others creativity. It seems every where you turn today people are selling home made crafts, and if you are like me you think to yourself "why didn't I think of that?" Well, they had a need and they found a way to meet it, that is why they thought of that.

To me that is the first step in creativity, having a need and finding a means, other than going out to the store and purchasing something, to meet it.

I love how art and history go hand in hand. Quite often people think of crafts as a children's activity or a way for people in a nursing home to pass the time "arts and Crafts". I have a nostalgic view of crafts, it is a way to bring the past back to life. Art, cooking, or crafts are a way to remember someone that has passed away, and make them a part of your day to day life.

I feel many bloggers and crafters are missing this part. One of the reasons I love Martha Stewart, is because she teaches the whys and whats of where her projects come from, which in turn has inspired me to create my own projects based on my own experiences. This is where my tag line comes in "... southern born Ohio raised, follower of Christ.." I am blessed to have two very different cultural influences. My husband tells me I cook northern dishes the southern way.

My goal and my hope is to inspire you to draw from your own experiences and background to create projects, that mean something to you, whether they be crafts, painting, re purposed furniture, baking, cooking, or even blogging.

I am a 20 something  house wife as of lately, living in the beautiful south. I go to a Baptist church and I have a great family who I am actively involved with. This is defiantly not the life I imagined for myself, however this is the life God had imagined for me and I love it. My plan was that of the starving artist, I am so thankful God knows better.

I answer to the many names, but for the sake of the blog, I am Heat.

Art as I previously said has always been a love of mine. I majored in art in college, and passed my time with it in high school.

I get my inspiration  from many places, one of which is Ms. Martha Stewart herself. One of the reason I feel like I connect with Martha so well is because like Martha my inspiration first came from watching my mother's example.

 My mother is someone who does. I truly believe my mom can do anything, she can grow a garden, fix a car, sew a dress, cook an amazing meal, bake a beautiful cake, paint a room flawlessly, repair the washer, all the while wearing a sun dress. She inspires me more than anything, or any one else. She taught me what it means to have class, to not sweat the little things and to work for want you, and it is always better to make/fix something yourself than to buy it. She taught me quality over quantity. Now my house is not as clean as hers, and I don’t have a garden, and I can't fix my car, but one day at a time I am working towards that goal.
My mother is also where I get my northern attitude.

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